What Mario game should be for 3DS?

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The Blog for Video Game fans and those who want to laugh

Welcome to my blog! I am your host, Steve! (That's what you'll call me, O_o) I will make interviews of the most known people, like Darth Vadar, Bowser, and Homer Simpson? I will also do updates of the latest Pokemon News! I am your advisor for Pokemon, (Not really, but I can help on battles, I had 3 awards from Yahoo Answers for helping a person on his Platinum team)
So err, yeah, I might do some basic blog things like going outside, but still... So yeah..

What Pokemon game can be next?

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Coming Soon!

Coming soon! Wario: Just Dance!..... The Movie! So anyways, I wuz just making Mario comedies! And I found them the laughing stalk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my sis r gonna try make a movie this summer. But we'll need sum help. But by then, we can try! We're trying to have it a 5-7 min short and make it a YouTube video, keep asking us and I'll update. (Then again, my sis is very lazy when we do a fun project, but gets serious for other things for some reason) So contact me and I'll tell you if everything is wrong or not..... If it's out, I'll blog it. And or buzz it on Gmail, so be updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It'll be hilarious. And type: Wario: Just Dance The Movie! And is made by Pokeanand, it's the original, if it's someone else, it's either a bootleg, or another version/still a bootleg. So remember, the title could be different, but if it's by a username called Pokeanand or Maisha627, it's the original. So we'll update, I'm taking too much time wasted, so sorry, bye!

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